Marijuana: A Possible Gateway to the Spirits

Marijuana, popularly called ganja, serves more than its popular recreational use for many. Foreigners are sold a Jamaica with visual images of sun, sand, sea and sex -that is, a Rasta man with a big bamboo offering ganja smoked nights. This is a limitation of so many aspects of Jamaica’s culture. For many Jamaicans, Native Americans and East Indians, smoking ganja offers a medicinal and a spiritual experience. It was in Jamaica that marijuana’s use in reducing the eye’s optic pressure was discovered.

For the spiritual inclined, marijuana transcends the human spirit to a higher high. Iconic dub icon Lee Scratch Perry says ganja is a spirit. Coming from the man who says he travels in the moon, such words have weight because Lee Scratch Perry is claiming to have walked with gods. Lee Scratch Perry is a legend in music. Considered one of the creators of Reggae, he is an icon in world music and is credited with helping the Legend, Bob Marley, find self-confidence in the natural melodies of his voice. When the world took Reggae, Lee Scratch Perry is credited with evolving reggae into dub. Dub spawned into dancehall music and rap. If this genius concludes ganja is a spirit, then marijuana’s hallucinogenic qualities may be what makes it a gateway to the spirit world.

Doubt the spiritual world exists? Doubt all your scary or unbelievably good experiences as a kid? Doubt the existence of the angels spoken of by TV, religions, folklore, mythology and cosmology. The Mad Scientist, Einstein, who helped create the nuclear bomb and split the nucleus of an atom when asked by a schoolgirl if he prayed answered, ‘Everyone who is seriously interested in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe – a spirit vastly superior to man, and one in the face of which our modest powers must seem humble.’ Could this spirit be the Great Spirit, the Creator of the universe? The One whom people say they commune with the higher on marijuana they get.

As the human spirit develops it becomes more aware of its spiritual surrounding. With a marijuana trip a person is shocked by sudden exposure to things of which they had little or no understanding. It is at this point they may fall under the torture of spirits. So powerful are some people’s hallucinogenic or spiritual experiences that they hear and see ‘weird’ things or fall under the possession of spirits.

Scientifically it is worth investigating the many claims spirits exists and that they can be used like genies to fulfill wishes. Let us add this premise to Einstein’s theory of special and general relativity which purports the possibility of travelling ahead of time by changing the path in space or the velocity of travel. It sounds like science fiction or some thing from a comic. Except! People have been claiming these gifts from the beginning of time. Prophets, shamans, psychics, neighbors, cousins, brothers, sisters and friends have at times claimed to predict people’s futures and even their own by travelling in time. Some people claim to have lived the experienced before and this is what is called déjà vu. There is a modern case of a Jamaican woman called Queenie, who went into a trance and woke from it speaking a language that had been dead for 5,000 years. With Einstein’s theory iin Queenie’s experience, she traveled back in time and space -5,000 years. If human spirits have been travelling through space and time to the future and past to reveal prophecy, then; as human beings we may all be capable of living like science fiction.

Marijuana users can expect complications will always exist with legalizing the plant because of its being perceived as a gateway drug. Any real examination of its uses has been subverted. Marijuana will always be a topical issue because of its spiritual or hallucinogenic properties and the continued existence of century old ancestral worship will forever pose problems. Like a puff of smoke its ether evaporates from a lit spliff. As clouds materialize from the invisible air and descend in translucent drops; likewise, spirits rise.

Ponder also if marijuana was found in Solomon’s grave and if it is true that marijuana was one of the five oils Jesus used.


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